One of the basic things you must learn being an internet marketer is to create a buy button. A buy button will enable you to collect payment from customers for the thing you put on sale in your website or blog. For example, you have a sales page, telling people how good your e-book is and at the end of your page you would most definitely like customers to buy the e-book you are promoting. Without a buy button, all that you are promoting will be in vain as customers will not be able to buy your item.
Having said all these, I will teach you step by step how you can create a buy button and insert it into your website. First, you have to sign up for a paypal account if you haven't already got one. When you have done so, log in to your paypal account. Go to "Merchant Services" on the menu bar. Then under merchant services, click on "website payment standards". Scroll down and you will see 3 types of buttons available, "Buy now" for single item, multiple items "Add to cart" button with paypal cart and a "Subscription button" for automated payment. Choose the type suitable for your item and press "create on now". Under the create paypal payment button page, key in your product name and number. Put in the price you wish to sell your product and the currency you are selling. For example USD. Then you go to step 3, and key in the website URL you want your customer to go to after they have made the payment. This will be the webpage where you give your e-book link for your customer to download! Click "create button" after everything is done. Paypay will have the HTML code for your button ready. You just have to select code and copy it. Paste the code into your blog or website builder. Remember to always test the button you have just created to make sure that the item particulars are correct and the button actually works! Watch the video below to get a better picture and understanding on how to create a buy button.
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