One of the basic things you must learn being an internet marketer is to create a buy button. A buy button will enable you to collect payment from customers for the thing you put on sale in your website or blog. For example, you have a sales page, telling people how good your e-book is and at the end of your page you would most definitely like customers to buy the e-book you are promoting. Without a buy button, all that you are promoting will be in vain as customers will not be able to buy your item.
Having said all these, I will teach you step by step how you can create a buy button and insert it into your website. First, you have to sign up for a paypal account if you haven't already got one. When you have done so, log in to your paypal account. Go to "Merchant Services" on the menu bar. Then under merchant services, click on "website payment standards". Scroll down and you will see 3 types of buttons available, "Buy now" for single item, multiple items "Add to cart" button with paypal cart and a "Subscription button" for automated payment. Choose the type suitable for your item and press "create on now". Under the create paypal payment button page, key in your product name and number. Put in the price you wish to sell your product and the currency you are selling. For example USD. Then you go to step 3, and key in the website URL you want your customer to go to after they have made the payment. This will be the webpage where you give your e-book link for your customer to download! Click "create button" after everything is done. Paypay will have the HTML code for your button ready. You just have to select code and copy it. Paste the code into your blog or website builder. Remember to always test the button you have just created to make sure that the item particulars are correct and the button actually works! Watch the video below to get a better picture and understanding on how to create a buy button.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 20, 2010
From Nobody To Sombody?
When he was 8, he got expelled from school for misbehavior and his parents had to go round the country begging other primary schools to let him study in their school. He was a total misfit. He did so poorly in his primary school leaving examinations that he was rejected from ALL the secondary schools of my choice and was dumped into a school called Ping Yi. He was academically very weak and was always the slowest in class. He failed in four subjects of the eight he was taking and soon enough...
Today he is an entrepreneur, a best-selling author and a peak performance trainer. A self-made millionaire by the age of 26, he owns and runs several businesses in education, training, event management and advertising, all with a combined annual turnover of $30 million. He is the Executive Chairman and Chief Master Trainer of A Learning institution and a director of seven other private companies.
From nobody to somebody? Well if that guy above can do it, so can YOU! Too many times in our life, we just gave up on the things we do too early after only a single failure. Little do we know that success doesn't always comes the first time around. Even the great Thomas Edison had tried more than 10,000 times until he gets his light bulb to shine. Many great achievements in this world were accomplished by tired and discourage men who kept on working. Try and fail but do not fail to try - Stephen Kaggwa. As energy and persistence conquer all things - Benjamin Franklin. And Age wrinkles the body but quiting wrinkles the soul - Douglas MacArthur.
Either in internet marketing or any other business you do, working hard is a must and failure is only a temporary obsticle that needs to be overcome by you. Treat failure as a learning experience and always be ready to work on a higher level after each failure and it will come to a point where success will be inevitable. In online business, you may not be earning anything in the first few months. Take some time off and go do some readings and researches. See what other people are doing, learn from them. Get ideas will come in the most unexpected time as when you are in a state of relax and continuous learning, you mind will gather information and process it into marvellous ideas that you won't even believe its your own idea! Be positive and stay focus. Always stick to your goal and the end result will make you from "Nobody to Somebody"!
Today he is an entrepreneur, a best-selling author and a peak performance trainer. A self-made millionaire by the age of 26, he owns and runs several businesses in education, training, event management and advertising, all with a combined annual turnover of $30 million. He is the Executive Chairman and Chief Master Trainer of A Learning institution and a director of seven other private companies.
From nobody to somebody? Well if that guy above can do it, so can YOU! Too many times in our life, we just gave up on the things we do too early after only a single failure. Little do we know that success doesn't always comes the first time around. Even the great Thomas Edison had tried more than 10,000 times until he gets his light bulb to shine. Many great achievements in this world were accomplished by tired and discourage men who kept on working. Try and fail but do not fail to try - Stephen Kaggwa. As energy and persistence conquer all things - Benjamin Franklin. And Age wrinkles the body but quiting wrinkles the soul - Douglas MacArthur.
Either in internet marketing or any other business you do, working hard is a must and failure is only a temporary obsticle that needs to be overcome by you. Treat failure as a learning experience and always be ready to work on a higher level after each failure and it will come to a point where success will be inevitable. In online business, you may not be earning anything in the first few months. Take some time off and go do some readings and researches. See what other people are doing, learn from them. Get ideas will come in the most unexpected time as when you are in a state of relax and continuous learning, you mind will gather information and process it into marvellous ideas that you won't even believe its your own idea! Be positive and stay focus. Always stick to your goal and the end result will make you from "Nobody to Somebody"!
Monday, August 9, 2010
The Money Is In The List
Have you ever been to a live internet marketing seminar where you see the gurus perform their miraculous speed money earning act? So how they can, by just sending a email and a few minutes later there is money coming in to their online bank account? Well, the big secret lies in their mailing list. Most internet marketing gurus has at least 100,000 names in their mailing list. People opt-in to their mailing list by providing their email and name in return for a free product or subscription of a newsletter. People who are interested in that particular niche will normally give their email and name willingly. For this reason, the mailing list collected will be considered as reasonably targeted shoppers.
Most internet gurus will have been in the online scene for quite a number of years. Thus they have already built a good relationship with their mailing list. They provide great useful information to their list and make them ever hungry for more information. So when the guru recommends a product for them to buy. Their response will be quite positive. So let say a guru has 100,000 names in his mailing list. When he sends out a email recommending a product for $49, let say the conversion rate is 2%, which equals to 2,000 buyers. 2,000 x $49 = $98,000. Nearly $100k in just under a few minutes? Well this is very possible. That is how they can make so much money in such a short period of time. And that is why we call it, "The Money Is in The List".
Most internet gurus will have been in the online scene for quite a number of years. Thus they have already built a good relationship with their mailing list. They provide great useful information to their list and make them ever hungry for more information. So when the guru recommends a product for them to buy. Their response will be quite positive. So let say a guru has 100,000 names in his mailing list. When he sends out a email recommending a product for $49, let say the conversion rate is 2%, which equals to 2,000 buyers. 2,000 x $49 = $98,000. Nearly $100k in just under a few minutes? Well this is very possible. That is how they can make so much money in such a short period of time. And that is why we call it, "The Money Is in The List".
Can We Make A Living From Forex Trading
The simple answer is yes, if we know what we are doing. Forex Trading can make can make us rich overnight if we have the right trading technique and a capital big enough to trade at a higher lot. However, not all of us have huge sum of money at our disposal. Thus the best way is to use an amount which we are comfortable of and with no urgency of using this money for our daily living. If we can generate $50 per day trading forex, in 20 days we will have $1,000 and that is a good additional source of income for most of us.
So how can we go about making this $1,000 a month a reality for us? Well, the first step is to learn some basics on forex trading. Today getting information on forex trading should be relatively easy as we can always "Google" it out. After we have a basic knowledge on forex, we can then go to the next step, which is trade online using a demo account. I think almost all trading platform on forex will have a demo account for us to trade in. It is very important that we use a demo account to practice forex trading initially as we are new and do not have any experience trading. And we do not want to risk our real money while learning to trade. By learning through a demo account, we can get our strategies right and experience how forex trading is like before we go on live, using real money. It is advisable that we practice at least 6 months using the demo account until we are earning consistent income with the demo money before we even want to think of using the real account with real money. It is said that we need a strong mind to do forex trading as this will be very important to our success of making a consistent income. A strong mind will control us psychologically not to be greedy but to set a profit target every time we open a trade. The other important issue is that we must set a stop lost on our every single trade. As we know there is no guarantee of winning every single time we trade as we all cannot predict exactly where the market will go. So, the only thing we can do if the market moves against us is to cut the lost by setting a stop lost in our trade. The secret is that if we trade 10 times and have 5 winning trades and 5 losing ones, if we set to take profit at 30 PIPs and cut lost at 15 PIPs, then eventhough we have 5 winning trades only, 30 PIP - 15 PIP = 15 PIP we still have a positive gain overall as set our winning trade 50% higher than our losing ones. We mentioned just now, if we can earn $50 per day on average we can gain $1,000 per month but what if we managed to salvage $100 or even $200 per day? These will mean $2,000 and $4,000 respectively every month. Ok, I will let you think on your own the earning potential of forex trading for now. I will discuss more on my future blog post.
So how can we go about making this $1,000 a month a reality for us? Well, the first step is to learn some basics on forex trading. Today getting information on forex trading should be relatively easy as we can always "Google" it out. After we have a basic knowledge on forex, we can then go to the next step, which is trade online using a demo account. I think almost all trading platform on forex will have a demo account for us to trade in. It is very important that we use a demo account to practice forex trading initially as we are new and do not have any experience trading. And we do not want to risk our real money while learning to trade. By learning through a demo account, we can get our strategies right and experience how forex trading is like before we go on live, using real money. It is advisable that we practice at least 6 months using the demo account until we are earning consistent income with the demo money before we even want to think of using the real account with real money. It is said that we need a strong mind to do forex trading as this will be very important to our success of making a consistent income. A strong mind will control us psychologically not to be greedy but to set a profit target every time we open a trade. The other important issue is that we must set a stop lost on our every single trade. As we know there is no guarantee of winning every single time we trade as we all cannot predict exactly where the market will go. So, the only thing we can do if the market moves against us is to cut the lost by setting a stop lost in our trade. The secret is that if we trade 10 times and have 5 winning trades and 5 losing ones, if we set to take profit at 30 PIPs and cut lost at 15 PIPs, then eventhough we have 5 winning trades only, 30 PIP - 15 PIP = 15 PIP we still have a positive gain overall as set our winning trade 50% higher than our losing ones. We mentioned just now, if we can earn $50 per day on average we can gain $1,000 per month but what if we managed to salvage $100 or even $200 per day? These will mean $2,000 and $4,000 respectively every month. Ok, I will let you think on your own the earning potential of forex trading for now. I will discuss more on my future blog post.
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