In this current economic situation, lots of people are trying to make more money by either getting a better paid job, doing extra hours in office to get overtime pay, find a part time job after office hours even sell their belongings to earn that extra cash. As you can see, things are getting much more expensive nowadays. Cost of living soar like space rockets. For example one plate of economy rice costs around 4 to 7 Malaysian ringgit or $1.50-$2 USD. They were used to 2.50 to 3 ringgit or $0.70 to $0.80 USD.
A person with an income of RM3k. Will it be enough for him for the month? Let us see.
Food 500
Car instalment 600
mortgage 800
insurance 250
petrol 200
utilities bills 100
Entertainment 50
Baby expenses 500
Total 3000
So as you can see, he virtually has zero savings every month. So how can this average person retire when he has no savings each month? If he has additional expenses for a particular month how can he survive? More credit card debts? Well, there is only 2 solutions. First one is cut down the monthly expenses or second one is find more money! Well, my blog here is to give ideas to normal people like you and me to try to come out from the box and release your earning potential and free yourself from this financial hardship and be able to conquer and spend your own time doing whatever your like. Would all of you out there what this kind of lifestyle? With no more worries about money, bills, expenses or even time? So come follow my blog for updates and set yourself free from your current situation! Good luck and see you soon.
Best regards
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